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DELOS news
Digital library news
DELOS Digital Library
DELOS Newsletter
Work programme
Research clusters
1: Digital library architecture
2: Information access and personalization
3: Audio/visual and non-traditional objects
4: User interfaces and visualization
5: Knowledge extraction and semantic interoperability
6: Preservation
7: Evaluation
Member institutions
DELOS boards
DELOS events
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DELOS initiatives
Digital library resources
Projects and initiatives
Mailing lists
Conference series
Important publications

Mailing lists

(normally including browsable and/or searchable archives)
    The DIGLIB mailing list is for librarians, information scientists, and other information professionals to share information about the many issues and technologies pertaining to the creation of "digital libraries".

  • DLI2 Mailing List Archives : A Mailing list archival site for the digital libraries research community.

    The lis-elib list is primarily for discussion on the JISC Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib) and its projects. It also carries more general discussion of the changing IT environment in which libraries operate and requests for help and advice on specific topics related to eLib Programme interests.

  • OAI-general
    The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content.

  • Web4Lib
    The Web4Lib electronic discussion is for the discussion of issues relating to the creation, management, and support of library-based World-Wide Web servers, services, and applications. It is specifically aimed toward librarians and library staff involved in World-Wide Web management.

  • XML4Lib
    The XML4Lib electronic discussion is for the discussion of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and its use in, by, and for libraries and library users, specifically aimed toward librarians and library staff.

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Last update: 2005-07-13