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1: Digital library architecture
2: Information access and personalization
3: Audio/visual and non-traditional objects
4: User interfaces and visualization
5: Knowledge extraction and semantic interoperability
6: Preservation
7: Evaluation
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Delos Boards

Information on Delos boards, i.e. the Advisory Board and the Scientific Board, its members and objectives.

Delos Scientific Board Members

  • Bruno Le Dantec, ERCIM
    Administrative Coordinator
  • Constantino Thanos
    Scientific Coordinator
  • Vittore Casarosa, ISTI-CNR
    Coordinator of WP8 (Dissemination and Spreading of Excellence)
  • Hans-Jörg Schek, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, University for Health Informatics and Technology, Tyrol
    Coordinator of WP1 (Digital Library Architecture)
  • Yannis Ioannidis, University of Athens
    Coordinator of WP2 (Information Access and Personalization)
  • Alberto Del Bimbo, Universitā degli Studi di Firenze
    Coordinator of WP3 (Audio/Visual and Non-traditional Object), together with Stavros Christodoulakis
  • Stavros Christodoulakis, Technical University of Crete
    Coordinator of WP3 (Audio/Visual and Non-traditional Object), together with Alberto del Bimbo

  • Tiziana Catarci, DIS Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica "Antonio Ruberti"
    Coordinator of WP4 (User Interfaces and Visualisation)
  • Elizabeth Lyon, UKOLN, University of Bath
    Coordinator of WP5 (Knowledge extraction and Semantic Interoperability)
  • Seamus Ross, HATII, University of Glasgow and ERPANET< br /> Coordinator of WP6 (Preservation)
  • Norbert Fuhr, Universität Duisburg-Essen Germany
    Coordinator of WP7 (Evaluation)


The Delos Advisory Board

The Delos Advisory Board provides an impartial assessment of the work carried out by the Network. The Delos Advisory Board consists of five external senior experts in the field.

Delos Advisory Board Members

Members of the Delos Advisory Board include at least two representatives from non-European research communities. The Scientific Coordinator of the Network, in agreement with the Commission, nominate the members and the Chair of the Advisory Board.

  • Serge Abiteboul
    Senior researcher at INRIA; Director of project GEMO; Professor, Master in Research in Informatics, University Paris Sud, France
  • Edward A. Fox
    Chairman, IEEE-CS Technical Committee on Digital Libraries; Director of DLRL - Digital Library Research Laboratory, Virginia Tech; Professor, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, USA

  • Steve Griffin
    Program Director, Digital Library activities, NSF Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering Directorate, Arlington, USA.

  • John Mylopoulos
    CSCSI Fellow; Trustee Emeritus of VLDB Endowment; Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada; Visiting Professor, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Trento, Italy.

  • Keith Van Rijsbergen
    ACM Fellow; Professor and leader of the Information Retrieval Group, Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, UK.

Role and objectives of the Delos Advisory Board

The role of the Advisory Board is threefold, providing:

  • external assessment of the results achieved by the Network, acting as a peer-review council;
  • guidance with respect to the Network's strategic orientations;
  • promotion of quality work and the visibility of the Network excellence.

The Advisory Board will make an annual assessment of past and planned activities of the Delos network, providing recommendations for improving the Network's efficiency and excellence. The assessment will be based on activity reports, deliverables, milestones of the past 12-month period, as well as on a report from the Scientific Coordinator, on behalf of the Scientific Board.

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Last update: 2006-02-16