Information Technologies Profiles and Curricula for Libraries
Parma, Italy - Sala Conferenze Oratorio Novo, Vicolo S. Maria 5
October 13-14, 2005
With the introduction of digital resources in the libraries, the last years have seen an increasing need of positions (System Librarian and Library Manager) with skills in IT technologies. The labor market is now beginning to ask for specialized skills, but there is a serious shortage of such skills, mainly due to the lack of formal (and informal) opportunities for education in Information Technology (IT) profiles suited for libraries. Policy measures that could be adopted in response to such needs will take time to be developed and implemented, and their results in the emergence of an increased skill supply will be seen only in the medium-long term.
The primary objective of this workshop is to identify and define the IT profiles and skills needed in libraries and information centers, and to propose a set of educational actions that could result in making those skills available in the short-medium term. The cooperation started by the International Master in Information Studies with ELAG and DELOS could assist libraries in improving professional skills and in a better planning of education and training investments, by defining educational offers including the most recent results in digital library technology research.
The workshop is articulated into two parts. The first part will present an overview of the present status in educational issues on IT technologies for libraries and recent trends in research for digital library; the second part will present experiences and case studies on skills and competencies, continuing with three break-out parallel sessions, to stimulate discussion, comments and suggestions from the audience. The final session (in the morning of the second day) will try to outline some preliminary scenarios and draw some conclusions. The work of the groups will continue through a discussion forum to be activated after the workshop.
Practical details
There is no registration fee for this workshop, but advance registration is required.
To register, please send an email to,
with the name of the workshop in the subject line. The workshop will be held
at: Sala Conferenze Oratorio Novo, Biblioteca Civica, Vicolo S. Maria 5
For logistic information on how to reach Parma and the conference venue, hotel reservations, etc, please visit:
For further information and assistance please contact: Annamaria Tammaro,
University of Parma (,
Maristella Agosti, University of Padova (
13 October 2005
09.00 |
Registration |
Welcome and Introduction
Anna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma, Italy
1st Session: Relationships and cooperation between IT education and LIS Schools
IT Profiles and curricula: Introduction Anna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma, Italy |
Digital Libraries Technologies
Vittore Casarosa, DELOS |
ELAG and its Strenghts
Paula Gossens, ELAG President
11.00 |
Break |
DELOS IT Education Activities and the University of Padova Experiences
Maristella Agosti, University of Padova, Italy
Information Technologies and University Education in Europe
Ragnar Audunson, EUCLID President
12.30-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
2nd Session: Competencies and Profiles
IT Competencies and Curricula: issues
and trends
Pat Dixon, International Master, University of Newcastle
The Design of a Digital Library Course
in Sofia
Krasi Angelova, University of Sofia
Experiences of a Master student
Keith Nairn, University of Northumbria
15.30 |
Break |
Competencies of System Managers and
Library Managers: results of a survey in Italy
Annalisa Spinello, Universitą di Parma
Parallel breakout sessions
- Competencies and skills of Library Manager
- Competencies and skills of System Librarian
- Competencies and skills of Digital Librarian
Preliminary conclusions
Anna Maria Tammaro, Universitą di Parma, Italy
13 October 2005
09.30 |
Workgroups discussion |
11.00 |
Break |
11.30 |
Presentations of Workgroups preliminary
results |
Conclusions and future activities
Anna Maria Tammaro, Universitą di Parma, Italy
12.30 |
Close |