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Joint DELOS-MUSCLE Summer School
Multimedia Digital Libraries
Machine learning and cross-modal technologies for access and retrieval
12-17 June 2006, San Vincenzo, Italy
About one hundred European universities and research centres have been
involved in the last few years in projects funded by EU addressing multimedia
data analysis, computer vision and object recognition, multimedia management
in large audio and video collections. Presently, two Network of Excellence
of the sixth EU Framework Program, namely DELOS and MUSCLE, are addressing
these subjects: the former, working in new generations of digital libraries,
has a specific work package devoted to audio, video and non traditional
objects digital libraries; the latter has many work packages oriented to
exploiting machine learning for multimedia data retrieval and for cross-media
The Summer School on "Multimedia Digital Libraries, Machine learning
and cross-modal technologies for access and retrieval" has been
jointly organized by those two Networks, and will be held in San Vincenzo,
Italy (about 50 Km South of Pisa), from 12 to 17 June 2006.
The aim of the school is to promote advanced experiences and implementations
and, more in general, to improve knowledge in these fields. The school will
be open to researchers and practitioners who are interested in audio-visual
and multimedia digital libraries and in advanced solutions and technologies
for their implementation. It will also contribute to establish a common
vision of the future ICT technologies for digital libraries, and ultimately
will represent a significant opportunity to exchange experiences, to share
common problems and to start new joint activities. No specific prerequisites
are required, but it is recommended that participants have experience in
using information management systems dealing with multimedia data.
Technologies for multimedia digital libraries span over many disciplines:
information systems, knowledge representation, computer vision, audio and
image processing, compression and storage, machine learning and information
retrieval, multimedia data mining, cross-media analysis, user interfaces
and interoperability. On these topics, the School program has planned highly
qualified lectures given by international researchers, addressing theoretical
approaches and practical solutions.
School Programme
This one-week intensive school will consist of eight half-day lectures
and one half-day dedicated to BOF (Birds of a Feather) sessions, i.e., discussions
in smaller groups on specific topics of common interest, with the participation
of the lecturers. The morning half-day lectures will begin at 9:00 and end
at 12:00, with a coffee break during the morning. The afternoon lectures
will begin at 15:30 and end at 18:30, with a coffee break in the afternoon.
The programme of the School is shown below.
12 June 2006 |
08:30 -0 9:00 |
Presentation of the School
Alberto Del Bimbo (University of Firenze,
Florence, Italy)
Nozha Boujemaa (INRIA, Rocquencourt, France) |
09:00 - 12:00 |
Introduction to Multimedia Digital Libraries |
James Wang (Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, USA) |
12:30 - 15:30 |
Lunch |
15:30 - 18:30 |
Multimedia Representation Standards |
Fernando Pereira (Instituto Superiore Tècnico,
Lisboa, Portugal) |
Poster/demo session |
13 June 2006 |
09:00 - 12:00 |
Feature Extraction and Content Description I |
Nicu Sebe (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) |
12:00 - 15:30 |
Lunch |
15:30 - 18:30 |
Feature extraction and Content Description II |
Milind Naphade (IBM T J Watson Research Center, Yorktown,
USA) |
Social Dinner |
14 June 2006 |
09:00 - 12:00 |
Cross-Modal Analysis |
Alex Hauptmann (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
USA) |
12:00 - 15:30 |
Lunch |
15:30 - 18:30 |
Birds of a feather (BOF) Sessions |
15 June 2006 |
09:00 - 12:00 |
Machine Learning for Access and Retrieval I |
Padraig Cunningham (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) |
12:00 - 15:30 |
Lunch |
15:30 - 18:30 |
Machine Learning for Access and Retrieval II |
Jia Li (Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
USA) |
16 June 2006 |
09:00 - 12:00 |
Evaluation and Benchmarking |
Alan Smeaton (Dublin University, Dublin, Ireland) |
12:00 - 15:30 |
Lunch |
15:30 - 18:30 |
Final Examination (voluntary) |
School Chairs
Nozha Boujemaa - INRIA Roquencourt, France
Rita Cucchiara - University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Alberto Del Bimbo - University of Florence, Italy
Eric Pauwels - CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Local Organizers
Marco Bertini - University of Florence, Italy (bertini@dsi.unifi.it)
Diego Mencarelli - University of Florence, Italy (mencarelli@micc.unifi.it)
Walter Nunziati - University of Florence, Italy (mencarelli@micc.unifi.it)
Costantino Grana - University of Modena, Italy (grana.costantino@unimo.it)
School Secretariat
Francesca Borri - ISTI - CNR, Pisa, Italy, (francesca.borri@isti.cnr.it)
Website Management:
INRIA Roquencourt, France
GIRPR (Italian Chapter of International Association for Pattern Recognition)
Fondazione per il Rinascimento Digitale, Italy
Comune di S.Vincenzo, Italy
Location and dates
San Vincenzo, Italy, 12-17 June 2006
San Vincenzo Harbour Tower
For university students, PhD students and young researchers supported only
by a research grant, the registration fee is waived (covered by DELOS) and
attendance to the school is free. A letter of recommendation from the University
or the research organization is required. The number of free places is limited
and will be granted under a first come, first served policy.
For other attendants the registration fees are as follows:
Early registration (before 20 May 2006) 400€
Regular registration (after 20 May 2006) 500€
The course fee includes:
- lectures
- lunches and coffee breaks
- social dinner
The course fee does not include:
- accommodation
- transport
- dinners (except for the social dinner)
To register please send all the requested registration information (see
below) to Francesca Borri by email (francesca.borri@isti.cnr.it) or by fax
(+39-050-315-3464 or +39-050-315-2810). Please specify if you qualify for
the waiving of the registration fee, and in that case attach a recommenadtion
letter. Within a week from the receipt of the application the registration
will be confirmed (or rejected if no more places are available). The deadline
for receipt of registration requests is June 2nd, 2006.
Registration information
- First Name(s)
- Last Name
- Email
- Institution
- Department " Mailing Address
- Postcode
- Country
- Telephone
- Fax
Registration Payment
Your registration will not become final until we receive payment. Cancellations
received before May 5th, 2006 will be completely refunded. Cancellations
received after May 5th, 2006 but before June 2nd, 2006 will incur a charge
of 25% to cover administration costs. Refunds for cancellations after June
2nd, 2006 cannot normally be made. Substitutions of participants may be
made at any time up to the start of the School. Payment can be made by credit
card, bank transfer or money order, banker's draft or international cheque.
Credit Card
Payment by credit card can be done by printing and filling-in the attached
form, and sending it via fax to Francesca Borri (+39 050 315 3464). Please
note that we can accept only VISA and Mastercard credit cards for payment
of the registration fee. The credit card form can also be dowloaded from
the DELOS web site (www.delos.info).
Bank Transfer
Payment by bank transfer can be done with the following information.
" Bank: Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara, Filiale di Pisa 1, Via San
Francesco 54, 56127 Pisa, Italy
" International bank code (IBAN): IT 26 D 05188 14002 000000013761
" Account holder: Ettore Ricciardi - C.O.C.E.S. Treasurer
" Reference: Make sure to specify the name of the person who is being
registered for the Summer School as well the name of the school: "Audio
Visual 2006".
For your convenience, please find attached a form that can be printed,
filled-in and brought to your bank. The bank transfer form can also be dowloaded
from the DELOS web site (www.delos.info).
Money Order
The money order, banker's draft or international cheque should be made payable
to "Ettore Ricciardi - Treasurer" and sent, along with a copy
of your registration information, to the following address:
Francesca Borri
Via Moruzzi, 1
56124 Pisa, Italy
Tel: +39 050 315 3470
Fax: +39 050 315 3464
E-mail: francesca.borri@isti.cnr.it
Registration FORMS
payment by bank transfer
payment by credit card
A number of hotels with a broad range of prices are within walking distance
from the school. We regret that we are not able to provide support for hotel
reservations. Information about accommodations in San Vincenzo can be found
About the location
San Vincenzo
a coastal town on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea, is one of the best-equipped
tourist centres of the Etruscan Coast. It has an excellent harbour, with more
than three hundred boat spaces. Its beach of fine white sand runs for ten
kilometres, surrounded by thick Mediterranean woods that reach directly to
the sea. For over 90 uninterrupted kilometres, clear water shading from emerald
green to deepest blue washes the coast, the water quality and services provided
by the coastal resorts have been awarded the European Union's Blue Flag.
School venue
The Palace of culture and the Communal Library, with a recently restored
wide conference room, host meetings, expositions and cultural events all
year round. The school will be located in the Tower, built in 1406 A.D.
from the Republic of Pisa as a coastal Tower.
How to reach San Vincenzo
It can be easily reached from Pisa and Florence by car (Rosignano exit of
A12 motorway, hence following the Aurelia highway) and by train (San Vincenzo
train station on the Italian Railroad line Modane - Turin - Genova - Pisa
- Rome). The "Galileo Galilei" International Airport of Pisa is
only 50 kilometers away.
In the neighbourhood
Very close to S. Vincenzo are the promontory of Populonia and the splendid
gulf of Baratti, surrounded by an important archaeological area dated from
the Etruscan age. San Vincenzo is only a few kilometres away from old villages
and medieval towns such as Suvereto, Sassetta, Campiglia Marittima, Bolgheri,
Catagneto Carducci, Volterra, San Gimignano and Siena. Pisa and Florence
are also just around the corner. San Vincenzo is also a few minutes away
from the island of Elba and is in front of the island of Capraia. From the
harbour depart tours on sea routes of very interesting landscapes (http://www.costadeglietruschi.it/).