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9th DELOS Network of Excellence thematic workshop:
Call for papers

Subject: Digital Repositories: Interoperability and Common Service
Date: May 11-13, 2005
Venue: The Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion, Crete

DELOS invites papers for a forthcoming workshop on the topic of digital repositories. Initial submission and selection will be by extended abstract. The authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to submit a full paper for inclusion in the workshop proceedings.

Digital repositories as 'managed collections of digital objects' are an essential part of the architectural framework within many domains. In this workshop we will focus in particular on the role of repositories within e-learning and e-research and related digital library services, and will consider such repositories as providers of both preservation and access services. Digital repositories support the requirements of a number of communities, and the workshop will welcome participation from content providers and practitioners, as well as those with a research interest in the development of repositories.

This is a joint workshop of the Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Interoperability and Preservation clusters of the DELOS Project. DELOS is an interdisciplinary Network of Excellence funded by the European Union to support the development of the next generation of digital library technologies.

Topics for inclusion:

The workshop will provide a forum to explore such topics as inter-working between repositories, the role of repositories in enabling a workflow to support the digital object life-cycle, the potential for common services and interoperability amongst various types of repositories, mapping the repository landscape, and developing a distributed repository architecture. Contributions will be welcome from a technical and organisational perspective.

Topics might include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Frameworks, technical architectures and reference models
  • Evaluation of repository models
  • Digital repositories and open access
  • Workflows and dataflows
  • Common and shared repository services
  • Ingest and metadata capture
  • Policy and organisational issues
  • Implementing appropriate preservation strategies
  • Trust, audit and certification, authenticity, validation
  • Rights management


The workshop will provide a forum to exchange experiences and discuss problems, requirements and solutions within the area of digital repositories. The workshop will provide an opportunity for European researchers coming from academia and industry to exchange ideas and experience, and to meet with interested practitioners from application communities. The workshop will enable different communities to learn about the latest research developments in this field and will provide the opportunity to disseminate the results of the workshops in the form of workshop proceedings.

Abstract Submission

Extended abstracts are invited for workshop papers and suggestions are invited for themed working group break-out sessions.

Selection of papers will be carried out by the Programme Committee on the basis of abstracts. Programme Committee members are welcome to submit abstracts.

Original submissions in the form of extended abstracts between 500 and 1000 words in PDF or MSWORD format should be submitted by 22 February 2005 according to the instructions to be found at

Receipt of abstracts will be confirmed by email. Notification will be made to successful authors by 8 March, 2005.

Full papers must be submitted by 22 April 2005 to be included in the workshop proceedings. Advisory length of full papers is 6 pages, maximum 10 pages. Successful authors will be advised of the format for full papers.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: 22 Feb, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: 8 March, 2005 (to be confirmed)
Full paper: 22 April, 2005 (to be confirmed)


Prof. Andreas Rauber (Vienna University of Technology)
Rachel Heery (UKOLN, University of Bath)
Michael Day (UKOLN, University of Bath)

Programme Committee to be announced

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Last update: 2005-07-13