Regional Awareness Event
Between Knowledge Organization and Semantic Web: Semantic Approaches in Digital Libraries
Lund University Libraries, Sweden, June 23, 2004, 9 am-5 pm
General information
The first workshop organized by Lund University Libraries within the DELOS Network of Excellence and with additional funding and support from BIBSAM (The Swedish Royal Library´s Department for National Co-ordination and Development), will deal with semantic approaches in digital libraries. We aim at a Nordic audience and will hopefully gather participants from all the Nordic countries. The speakers come from Great Britain, Italy and Sweden and the conference will therefore be held in English. The conference fee is 100 SEK (excl. VAT).
Workshop venue will be the Spoletorp, Britta Holmströms gata 2-4, in central Lund.
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Moderator: Traugott Koch, DELOS, Lund University
Boris Lauser
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Library & Documentation Systems Division, Rome, Italy
The talk will cover
a) The reengineering of the FAO AGROVOC thesaurus into an ontology or 'semantically enriched KOS (Knowledge Organization System)' for food and agriculture. The purpose is to retain the terminological richness of a good thesaurus and to augment it with more formal structuring of hierarchies and more detailed relations better suited to conceptual reasoning.
b) Experiments with the use of RDF/XML encoding of bibliographic databases
c) Intelligent query forms (Fishery ontology, Food safety)
Douglas Tudhope
Hypermedia Research Unit, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Wales, UK
Douglas will report on research and developments reg. dynamically generated interface components for finding terms and browsing a facetted thesaurus on the web, building a query and returning ranked results using term expansion, including thorough evaluations of the system (FACET Project). He will also discuss the need for a semantic expansion service as an advanced service protocol option for both browsing and query services.
Alistair Miles
Research Associate, CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Alistair will present the activities of the EU Semantic Web Advanced Development for Europe project (SWAD-Europe), soon to be concluded, and especially the effort to design an RDF Schema for thesauri and related knowledge organisation systems (SKOS-Core 1.0).
Anders Ardö and Koraljka Golub
Knowledge Discovery and Digital Library Research Group (KnowLib), Department of Information Technology, Lund University, Sweden
Koraljka and Anders will present ongoing efforts in the area of automatic classification and topical harvesting, e.g. the Vinnova supported KLIC project and the EU 6. Framework Program project ALVIS. ALVIS - Superpeer Semantic Search Engine - aims at developing a semantic based next-generation search engine using Peer-2-Peer techniques, natural language processing, and a probalistic distributed information retrieval. KLIC is more general and aimed at implementation of information services using intelligent components in a distributed digital library.
Other Nordic presenters
Frida Sandgren, Electronic Publishing Centre Uppsala University, will present a project about mark-up for digtial training material.
Knut Hegna, University of Oslo Library, will present an experimental interface for subject search combining a classification scheme and a controlled vocabulary. The subject search interface is a Java application sending URLs to a browser.
Related publication
The electronic peer reviewed journal "Journal of Digital Information" (JoDI):
Special issue on New Applications of Knowledge Organization Systems, Vol. 4, issue 4, 2004.
Ann-Sofie Zettergren
Lund University Libraries, Head Office