DELOS All Tasks Meeting
Paris, France
30-31 January 2006
DELOS has organised an "All Tasks Meetng", which was held in
Paris on 30 and 31 January 2006, at the Etoile Saint-Honore conference center,
in Rue Balzac 20/25 (very close to Etoile).
During this Meeting, all the Tasks of the second Joint Program of Activities
(JPA2) were presented in terms of their objectives, achievements and future
plans. Particular attention was placed on the integration of the Tasks,
according to the suggestions made by the Integration Task Force. Indeed
a special session of this meeting was dedicated to the identification of
possible integration activities between the Tasks.
Another important item discussed during this meeting regards an initiative
planned for the third Joint Program of Activities (JPA3), which aims at
implementing a reference digital library architecture based on the OSIRIS
platform. A session was dedicated to the presentation of the platform, providing
also guidelines for integrating in it additional digital library functionality.
For this purpose, there have been also two "demo sessions" dedicated
to prototypes showing DL functionality suitable for integration within the
OSIRIS platform.
This has been a very good opportunity to get a complete view of all the
research activities presently going on in the DELOS community. The meeting
was open to anyone interested to those activities. For more information
please send email to
For the presentations of the DELOS All Tasks Meeting, please click
Monday January 30th
08:30-08:45 |
Registration |
08:45-09:00 |
Welcome |
09:00-10:20 |
Digital Library Architecture (Chair: Hans Schek)
- A Reference Model for Digital Library Management Systems
- Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Multimedia Annotations
for Users' Collaboration
- Management of and Access to Virtual Electronic Health Records
- Integration of Data Stream Management into an eHealth Digital
10:20-10:40 |
Break |
10:40-11:10 |
Towards implementing a Reference Architecture (Hans Schek)
- OSIRIS Architecture
- Guidelines for integration
11:10-13:00 |
Proposals for integration and demos (Chair: Hans Schek)
- Specific demos
- General discussion
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-15:40 |
Information Access and Personalization (Chair: Yannis Ioannidis)
- Advanced Access Structures for Complex Similarity Measures
- Application of the P2P Paradigm in Digital Libraries
- Personalized Query Routing in Peer-to-Peer Federations of Digital
- Context-dependent Access to Digital Libraries
- Modelling of User Preferences in Digital Libraries
15:40-16:10 |
Break |
16:10-17:40 |
Audio/Visual and Non-traditional Objects (Chair: Stavros Christodoulakis)
- Video Annotation with Pictorially Enriched Ontologies
- MIMA: Multimedia Interfaces for Mobile Applications
- Description, Matching, and Retrieval By Content of 3D Objects
- Automatic, Context-of-Capture Based, Categorization, Structure
Detection and Segmentation of News Telecasts
- CoCoMa: Content and Context Aware Multimedia Content Retrieval,
Delivery and Presentation
17:40-18:40 |
Preservation (Chair: Andreas Rauber)
- Enabling the Integration of Digital Preservation Architectures
- Digital Preservation Testbed and Evaluation Framework
- Digital Preservation Automated Ingest and Appraisal Metadata
Tuesday January 31st
09:00-10:20 |
User Interfaces and Visualization (Chair: Tiziana Catarci)
- Visualization in DL systems: Relevance Feedback
- User Requirements-driven Support for a DL Design Framework
- Task-centered Information Management
- Natural Language and Speech Interfaces to Knowledge Repositories
10:20-10:40 |
Break |
10:40-11:20 |
Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Interoperability (Chair: Martin
- Interoperability of eLearning applications with digital libraries
- Ontology-driven Interoperability
11:20-13:00 |
Proposals for integration and demos (Chair: Hans Schek)
- Specific demos
- General discussion
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-15:00 |
Evaluation (Chair: Norbert Fuhr)
- INEX: An Evaluation Campaign for XML Information Access in Digital
- CLEF: An Evaluation Framework for Multilingual Information Access
in Digital Libraries
- A Digital Library Testbed Framework
15:00-17:00 |
Integration parallel sessions (including break)
- Modelling of Digital Libraries (T1.4, T1.5, T4.7, T6.5, T7.5)
- Peer-to-Peer in Digital Libraries (T1.6, T1.7, T2.6, T2.7, T2.8)
- Personalization and Visualization (T2.9, T2.10, T4.5a, T4.8, T7.4)
- Audio/Visual content in Digital Libraries (T3.7, T3.8, T3.9)
- Ontologies, Retrieval and Interoperability (T3.6, T3.10, T3.11,
T5.4, T5.5)
- Preservation and Evaluation in Digital Libraries (T6.6, T6.7,
17:00 - 17:15 |
Break |
17:15-18:00 |
Global Integration
in JPA3
Both on Monday and Tuesday we set aside a slot (about 1 hour and half)
for demos of components suitable for inclusion in the "Reference Prototype".
The following persons offered to make a demo.
Giuseppe Amato, Polixeni Arapi, Stefano Berretti, Gert Brettlecker, Stavros
Christodoulakis, Anastasia Karanastasi, Claus-Peter Klas, Pasquale Lops,
Rudolf Mayer, Pasquale Pagano, Emanuele Panizzi, Andreas Rauber, Giuseppe
Santucci, Chrisa Tsinaraki, Christian Zimmer.